Please choose the board minutes you would like to view in the sub-categories
by clicking more and scrolling over the Meeting
Minutes tab on the left.
by clicking more and scrolling over the Meeting
Minutes tab on the left.
Unapproved minutes will be available approximately 2 weeks after each meeting, If you would like to see them please contact Town Clerk.

12.20.2020_planning_minutes.pdf |

february_12_2020_minutes__4_.pdf |

january_8_2020_board_minutes.pdf |

march_9_2020_town_board_meeting_minutes_draft.pdf |

april_8_2020board_minutes.pdf |

may_13_2020__minutes.pdf |

june_10_2020__minutes.pdf |

july_8_2020_board_minutes.pdf |

sept_2020_minutes.pdf |

aug_10_2020__minutes__2_.pdf |

oct._2020__minutes.pdf |

november_11_2020_minutes.pdf |